Monday, April 15, 2013

Stop Saying Stupid Stuff 1: Overview

Saying the wrong thingThis begins a new series helping you to improve your career by stop saying stupid stuff

Dave had pounded the pavement for 8 weeks looking for a job in retail men’s clothing sales. He talked to 10 people a day or more each day. Yet, nobody would give him an interview. They referred him to human resources. He couldn’t understand why. He met with our team who conducted a mock phone call. He said “Hi, I’m Dave. I’m looking for a job. I’ve filled out your online application and would like to meet with you.” We recognized why nobody would interview him in 10 seconds. Join us Wednesday to discover what happened to Dave.

Definition of Stupid Stuff

We define stupid stuff as those things that prevent you from getting the biggest raises or the better jobs. Sometimes you try to convince people to do things for you, but describe it in terms that won’t impress the person at all. Usually, you may say stupid stuff because because you focus on your needs, your ideas, or your desires.

We suggest that you will have greater success by appealing to what interests the person. Rather than describe what you want, find what they want. Learn about their challenges and offer to help them resolve those challenges. Say things that make them want to hire you, promote you, and pay you more.

Situations in Which You May Say Stupid Stuff

We will describe specific stupid stuff and the smart stuff to say in the posts in this series:

  • Calling family, friends, or others to network for a new job
  • Calling a hiring authority to schedule an appointment
  • Answering questions in a job interview
  • Reconnecting with hiring authorities after job interviews
  • Reporting progress on projects or work to your supervisor
  • Asking your boss for a raise
  • Completing performance appraisal forms for annual raises
  • Impressing potential supervisors to transfer to a better position
  • Collaborating with co-workers or team members
  • Talking to people in other departments who service your group

Wednesday we discuss stupid stuff people say in phone calls when looking for a job

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