Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Surviving Poor Management 8: Always Analyzing No Action

Cube Yes No MaybeThis continues our series on how to survive poor management at work and grow

Pauline became the leader of a global nonprofit organization. She found herself, for the first time, in a position to define the vision and direction of the organization. She was a careful, analytical person who wanted to do what was right. She compensates by both waiting for someone to tell her what to do, and consistently analyzing every strategy or direction without taking action. The operational staff await directions that never come.

Importance of Balancing Analysis and Action

Great organizations take the time to analyze their market, their strategy, their competitors, and their processes. They compare their findings with their desired objectives and decide what direction they will pursue.

Having established their vision, defined their positive direction followed by their don’t-do list, great companies act. They implement the processes that will allow them to achieve their goals most effectively and efficiently. They also evaluate performance of the company to benchmarks and established metrics.

Their analysis of these performance indicators provides data to refine, not redefine their processes and strategy. Jim Collins describes this ability to refine, yet continue, continuing the flywheel.

Consequences of Analysis Paralysis

Good companies do not allow their analysis to prevent action. They recognize that continual analysis hinders employees from moving forward. Employees second guess what they should do. They wonder what they should stop doing. They worry about their jobs. As a result, they stop working, awaiting further direction.

Another consequence of constant analysis without moving to action: people fail to act. Lack of action creates a vacuum. Employees try to fill the vacuum. As a result, the organization moves in multiple directions.

Another consequence occurs if the analysis reverses direction two or three times. Reversals in direction create further confusion and missteps.

Compensating for No Action

  • Reason to yourself what to do and move forward, ask forgiveness if needed later
  • Learn what to do by maintaining closer relationships with management and others
  • Stop worrying and continue doing your job

Friday we explore consequences of rumor, innuendo, and secrecy replacing formal channels

This blog will improve as you submit comments, questions, and experiences. We will answer your questions in future blog posts. Please submit your comments and questions so we can answer them.

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