Friday, November 22, 2013

Random Thoughts About Finding a Job: Wasting Time

Waste Time on ResumesThis post reflects random thoughts as I have hired someone and does not constitute a series

As I was going through the process of hiring someone this week, I discovered scores of new ways job seekers waste the decision maker’s time. I chose not to use the keyword selection feature to reduce my list of 120 applications, but to look at each one individually.  Most resumes took exactly 5 seconds to discard—once I could get the system to open the resume. It usually took longer to open the application than to reject the application.

Various Ways They Wasted My Time

Let me share some of the ways that the people who applied for the job I was filling wasted my time. Remember, I am reviewing 96 applications (24 did not even get through for me to see because of a bug in the system). Opening the files takes a lot time due to slow computer response and limited bandwidth. These were some of the problems that wasted my time:

  • Generic resumes outlining experience and skills completely unrelated to the position I was filling (One person sent a speech pathologists resume for an HR recruiter's job)
  • One person submitted a resume with nothing related to my position. Then, he submitted a second version of the resume that barely matched my desires
  • Another person sent me five emails a day for three days. None of the emails gave me a good reason to hire them
  • Several people called me after we rejected their applications to complain and ask why we rejected their application. When we mentioned specific experience which they did not have, they gave us examples that had not been included in their application. They wanted to us to reconsider and let them reapply

Communicate How You Can Help Them Achieve Their Goals

The solutions to not wasting time remain very simple:

  • Discover management’s priorities and what job they really want done (not just the published ones)
  • Communicate specific facts illustrating how your experience meets their expectations

Monday we rant about how job seekers arrive for job interviews completely unprepared

This blog will improve as you submit comments, questions, and experiences. We will answer your questions in future blog posts. Please submit your comments and questions so we can answer them.

Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Random Thoughts on Finding a Job: Bugs in HR Databases

Computer bugsThis post, while dealing with a similar topic, stands alone and does not constitute a series

I mentioned that I was hiring someone in my day job. While I had a short list of four people (as mentioned in the last post), the policy-directed posting generated more than 120 applications. The list included 24 people whose application status listed as a draft.  The human resource recruiter told me that a bug in the database created a problem. The application system kicked them out before they finished their application. They could not reenter to finish the application. I could not open the drafts to see the resume, cover letters, or even contact information. In other words, I could not contact them. Those applicants thought they had a chance, when I could not even see their information. Three of the applicants stuck in the draft dilemma contacted me. As a result we found another way for them to apply. The other 21, that did not follow-up, still wait for a contact that will never come.

Electronic Databases May Create Job Search Problems

The world turns on electronic systems, cyberspace, and the Internet. In addition to the bugs, computer systems also create changes in the job search process. Some examples of changes include:

  • Problem: HR systems may consolidate all the formatting effects of your resume into one huge paragraph
    • Solution: Email a PDF of your resume to the hiring authority
  • Problem: HR systems may offer the decision maker limited options when reviewing resumes, like reject or interview but no more
    • Solution: Make sure they see what they want immediately
  • Problem: Screening systems rely on keywords used by the company to select which of the applications meet their requirements
    • Solution: Ensure your resume and application includes the exact words or phrases, you will not appear in the list
  • Problem: Glitch in the computer system prevents them from seeing your application
    • Solution: Use the application tracking system
    • Solution: Follow-up with a phone call or email verifying that your application processed effectively

Friday we discuss some of the horrible experiences in reviewing resumes and applications

This blog will improve as you submit comments, questions, and experiences. We will answer your questions in future blog posts. Please submit your comments and questions so we can answer them.

Monday, November 18, 2013

Random Thoughts on Finding a Job: We Use Short Lists

A Very Short ListThe next few blog posts will stand alone, unlike the last few, and not constitute a series

This is my story. Recently, I have been authorized to hire a new employee for my day job. I work for a major international, nonprofit organization. So, for the first time in several years, I have been on the hiring end of a job search. Our organization maintains a policy of advertising all openings except for upper level management promotions. Even so, I had a short list of people I’ve considered for any position that opened. I immediately called them and said “I have a new position opening up. You may want to apply if you are interested. I made sure they got interviewed.

3 Reasons Managers Maintain Short Lists

1. People Want to Work with People they Know, Like, and Trust:  Managers want to hire people that have already impressed them. Many times, they hire people inside the company. The also hire people that have impressed them from outside the company

Usually, because they already know

  • The person will do the job they want done
  • The results, productivity, sales, revenues, and savings the person may generate
  • How that person will fit into the work team
  • Their capabilities, successes, and potential return on investment

2. Too Much To Lose: The manager, director, or VP have too much to lose if they hire the wrong person. They may lose their:

  • Customers
  • Best employees
  • Productivity and sales
  • Reputation and possible promotions
  • Job

3. Short Lists Save Time: Hiring someone takes time. It interrupts the work managers need to get done. It distracts our thought processes, organization, and activities. We take less time when we already know who we want to hire.

You Can Still Beat the Short List

You should not resent the short list. You should first try to get on the short list before they are ready to hire. You can still beat the people on the short list by demonstrating you can deliver better results.

Wednesday we will delve deeper into the three things you need to do for the biggest raises

This blog will improve as you submit comments, questions, and experiences. We will answer your questions in future blog posts. Please submit your comments and questions so we can answer them.

Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Improve Yourself 17: Change Anything Provides Great Help

Logo Change AnythingThis continues our series on how to improve yourself to get the biggest raises and best promotions

The authors of The Influencer and Change Anything recently moved their web site to a very robust Facebook Fan page when you type into your browser. I’ve read all their books and used the old page. They have added some great features to this fan page.

Problems That Prevent Successful Change

We strongly suggest you click on the 19 minute video clip on YouTube of Al Switzler outlining the science and studies about how to Change Anything 

To summarize some of his points in the video:

  • The Willpower Trap: the faulty assumption…that if you are failing it’s because you don’t care enough or you’re not fully committed—you don’t have enough willpower
  • Be the Scientist and the Subject: Recognize that scientists may have studied how to help “people” change, but no one has studied how to help “you” change. You must become the subject of your own scientific study. You need a way of understanding; and Influencing your own behavior
  • Apply the Science of Change:
    • Identify your crucial moments (those crucial times when you are tempted to revert to bad behavior)
    • Create your vital behaviors (create your different behavior when the crucial moment hits)
    • Engage all six sources of influence (“I can only control my behavior by taking control of the things that control me” see below)
    • Turn Bad Days into Good Data (plan how to deal with setbacks to avoid failure)

Six Sources of Influence to Change Anything

Al Switzler says we need to apply six sources of influence. The six sources of influence apply three levels (personal, social, structural) to two columns (Motivation and Ability)

  • Personal:  Motivation (I want to)
  • Personal Ability (I can do)
  • Social Motivation (Cheer you to succeed or accomplices in failure)
  • Social Ability (Coach you to develop the skills to change)
  • Structural Incentives (Rewards you for the change)
  • Structural Ability (Controls your space makes your good behavior easy and bad behavior hard)

Friday we summarize our series on how to improve yourself to grow your career

This blog will improve as you submit comments, questions, and experiences. We will answer your questions in future blog posts. Please submit your comments and questions so we can answer them.

Monday, November 11, 2013

Improve Yourself 16: Change Pesky Personality Traits

Personality challengesThis continues our series on how to improve yourself to get the biggest raises and best promotions

Sherman, a mechanical engineer, worked for the same munitions company for 22 years. He proved to be a solid individual producer within the company. His meticulous attention to detail made him a great engineer. It also affected his interpersonal skills. Social interactions did not come naturally to Sherman. He tried with small talk and showing an interest in their lives. Unfortunately, he did not do it well and it showed. His small personality quirks prevented his promotions. It left him on the outside of the best work teams and circles. Eventually, it led to his layoff from the company.

Types of Personality Traits to Change

Several personality traits may stall your career. They may include:

  • Talking too loud, too long, and too inappropriately
  • Laughing obnoxiously or too loud at inappropriate time
  • Lack of ability to interact socially or in small talk
  • Becoming defensive, obnoxious, or pushing back too hard
  • Telling off-color, ethnic, or offensive jokes at the office
  • Shy, withdrawn, diffident, or introverted
  • Losing your temper, becoming angry, or venting frustration
  • Assuming that your opinion is the only correct one and you must convince everyone to accept your perception
  • Seeing all issues in terms of black and white (frequently referred to as binary, because you only see 1s or 0s) and cannot comprehend grey areas for middle ground

How to Change Personality Traits

Changing your personality requires a lot of work, dedication, and help. You may try a number of possible solutions:

  • Study or listen to self-help books, videos, or audio files
  • Attend motivational seminars and workshops
  • Establish triggers to help you recognize when your personality creates problems
  • Ask your mentor and network of contacts to signal you when your behavior demonstrates inappropriate behavior
  • Meet with a therapist or counselor to modify behavior or personality challenges
  • Keep a daily journal of your behavior noting specific issues that may bring out your poor response
  • Identify other solutions
  • Enlist help from others

Wednesday we outline how the Change Anything process can help you improve yourself

This blog will improve as you submit comments, questions, and experiences. We will answer your questions in future blog posts. Please submit your comments and questions so we can answer them.

Friday, November 8, 2013

Improve Yourself 15: Change Your Appearance to Fit In

This continues our series on how to improve yourself to get the biggest raises and best promotions

Diana worked as a secretary for a corporation with more than 5,000 employees. She had earned a Bachelor of Arts in English and started employment with this corporation the same month. She enjoyed being a secretary, but wanted to take better advantage of her degree. After consulting with a mentor, she changed her appearance by dressing in suits rather than dresses. Within a few months, management asked her to travel for the corporation training branches how to use a new computer system they introduced. Changing her appearance improved her opportunities.

Avoid an Obsession with a Perception of Perfect Body Type

Appearances mean a lot in today’s society. In some ways, they matter too much. Too many people pursue some universal perception of perfection. They see doctored commercials and ads showing airbrushed concepts of woman or manhood. This obsession is not healthy.

I’m not advocating you pursue the quest for perfectly sculpted bodies through cosmetic surgery. I’m not advising changing your appearance with plastic surgery, eating disorders, or other unhealthy approaches.

You Can Make Healthy Improvements to Your Appearance

You can make a lot of healthy changes to your appearance including:

  • Cut or style your hair to fit into the environment you want to work in
  • Dress appropriately for the position you want for your promotion or improvement
  • Follow good rules of personal hygiene such as bathing, deodorant, and avoid strong perfumes or other scents 

Live Health

You can improve your appearance with healthy eating and exercise. I lost 120 pounds in the last two years following information found in Dr. Steve Aldana The Culprit and the Cure. He studied medical research for 25 years. He advises a few habits to extend the quantity and quality of life:

  • Eat 3-5 helpings of fruit and vegetables each day
  • Eat 5 hands full of raw nuts a week
  • Limit your consumption of red meat
  • Drink water
  • Accumulate 30 minutes of exercise 5 times a week

Monday we disclose methods for improving personality quirks that prevent success

This blog will improve as you submit comments, questions, and experiences. We will answer your questions in future blog posts. Please submit your comments and questions so we can answer them.

Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Improve Yourself 14: Let Your Mentor and Network Help You

Mentor definition 2This continues our series on how to improve yourself to get the biggest raises and best promotions

Clark worked hard. He improved both the productivity and quality of his work. He received several promotions. Nevertheless, he suffered from a major character flaw. He lost his temper quickly. Luckily, he had a good mentor who worked with him to tame his temper. He enlisted the help of his network of contacts that included a few social workers. They helped him develop alternative triggers to control his outbursts. As a result, he received three more promotions within the next 10 years.

Mentors Help You Improve

The dictionary defines mentor in two ways:

  • Noun “an experienced and trusted advisor” synonyms include “adviser, guide, guru, counselor, consultant
  • Verb “advise or training (someone, esp. a younger colleague)”

Effective mentors guide you, advise you, about how to improve your contribution to the organization. They can teach you a variety of skills:

  • Technical skills associated with your job
    • Machining, assembly, robotics, and other trades
    • Programming, systems analysis, SAAS, and app development
    • Engineering, drafting, surveying, and designing
    • Sales, marketing, web development, and branding
    • Legal, accounting, psychology, social work, and counseling
  • Skills to not only survive, but thrive, in the corporate culture
  • Corporate or industry trends and the new skills required for the trends
  • Computer programs and applications associated with your work

Your Network Provides the Ability to Learn Other Skills

The people who constitute your network work in a variety of capacities. They may provide a multitude of skills. They may teach you the skills they possess so that you may provide those skills at work. Or, you may ask them to offer their skills to accomplish purposes or objectives that will improve your work team’s ability to perform or achieve a goal.

Each member of your network serves as a source of improvement, just as you may help them improve themselves. Remember, you help them as much as they help you. You possess skills that they may want to learn.

Friday we review how to improve your appearance to get the biggest raises & best promotions

This blog will improve as you submit comments, questions, and experiences. We will answer your questions in future blog posts. Please submit your comments and questions so we can answer them.

Monday, November 4, 2013

Improve Yourself 13: Stay Current, Not Obsolete

Upgrade Your SkillsThis continues our series on how to improve yourself to get the biggest raises and best promotions

Bruce worked as a private accountant for the same large company for 37 years. He started when accounting was still entered by pencil on giant spreadsheets. He developed his 10-key by touch skills and accuracy. He adapted to doing accounting on computers when the company introduced a SQL based accounting package and again when they transitioned to a PeopleSoft package. It was hard, but he did it. He moved to a much smaller community when he retired. However, the great recession depleted his investments and he had to return to work. The community had no big companies, only small ones that used QuickBooks. He did not know how to use QuickBooks and gave up trying to learn. Instead he got a job as a greeter at a well-known chain store.

Continually Update Your Technical Skills

Every occupation continually changes. Most of the changes deal with evolving or disruptive (as Clayton Christensen termed it) technology. These technological changes require you to upgrade your skills or become obsolete. Some examples of how far-reaching these changes are:

  • Auto mechanics increasingly use computers for diagnostics and repair
  • Mines and manufacturing use automated robots, drillers, and conveyers
  • Architects, engineers, and
  • Administrative, managerial, and clerical positions all use software that send major updates every 2-3 years

One of the easiest ways to maintain your skills is through training offered through professional or trade associations and manufacturers or vendors. They offer training and instructions on upgrades and new products.

Keep Your Mind Active as You Get Older

Growing older affects our synapses and how well we think and process information. You can delay the slowdown with exercises for the mind. Here are some examples:

  • One 80-year old uses a computerized game of Go to keep her mental faculties sharp
  • An 83-year old man swims 3 miles a day listening to books on his iPod as he swims
  • Many older people play computerized solitaire to maintain eye-&-hand coordination

Wednesday we explore how to use your mentor and network to improve yourself

This blog will improve as you submit comments, questions, and experiences. We will answer your questions in future blog posts. Please submit your comments and questions so we can answer them.

Friday, November 1, 2013

Improve Yourself 12: Add New Skills & Increase Value

Online LearningThis continues our series on how to improve yourself to get the biggest raises and best promotions

Brandon worked for 15 years for a Fortune 1,000 software development company. He began in the programming group, but moved into product development and project management for 10 years. He pioneered project management techniques adopted globally by the company. He delivered clean product with fewer bugs than most project teams. He lost his job when the company was purchased and sold off for parts. Unfortunately, he had not kept current with his skills. He especially failed to comprehend and develop the skills for SAAS. As a result, he spent many months unemployed while he tried to update his skills.

Continual Learning the Demand of Today

Today’s workplace requires continual training and skill development to avoid obsolescence. Even more training to increase your value to the company.

The information age provides a multitude of training, videos, YouTube, or eLearning programs. Unfortunately, the Internet presents too great an opportunity for inaccurate, bogus, and fabricated data.  You may recognize many of our suggestions, others you may not know:

Free Sources of Training

  • Ted, Ted Talks, Ted X
  • YouTube contains training on almost any topic or skill from computers, woodworking, sales, IT, leadership, management, and so much more
  • Google, Yahoo, Chrome, Safari Internet searches can uncover wiki’, articles, blogs, and you can use scholar Google to find academic research and scholarly journals
  • Professional associations offer many articles, publications, studies, and training for free. Of course, you will usually gain access to more training and information if you pay the dues and join the organization

Sources You Must Pay to Attend

  • Western Governor’s University, University of Phoenix and other online universities
  • Kahn Academy
  • Learning Tree and other online learning programs
  • Workshops, seminars, and conventions offered by manufacturers and vendors
  • Licensing and certification programs offered through professional, trade, or industry associations
  • State Department of Licensing connects people to sources of test preparation for licensing
  • Department of Labor Employment and Training Administration including the Office of Apprenticeship
  • Joint Apprenticeship Training Committees

Monday we discover guidelines about improving your professional appearance

This blog will improve as you submit comments, questions, and experiences. We will answer your questions in future blog posts. Please submit your comments and questions so we can answer them.