Monday, September 23, 2013

Surviving Poor Management 19: Why Stay Unhappy?

Angry on the jobThis continues our series on how to survive poor management at work and grow

Madge had a good friend working in the same company as she did. This friend repeatedly expressed frustration with the management and direction of the company. She watched his attitude, and his health, deteriorate over four years. He began to negatively influence others within the company. Madge, as a good friend and colleague, intervened with her friend. She met with him a few times to vent his concerns and help him work through his frustration. Finally, she asked why he continued to work in a place that clearly did not enjoy. He intervention helped him begin reevaluating his employment and decide to find something that would make him happy.

Returning to Your Options

In earlier posts we shared options for coping with poor management. We explored the following options:

  • Improve management within the company
  • Accept management and press forward
  • Leave and find a new job
  • Leave and start your own company

Reasons People Stay in Unhappy Situations

Today, we wish to examine leaving the company for a new job from a different view. Why would you accept being unhappy, frustrated, or angry on your job.

You may stay in an unhappy situation for several reasons, including:

  • Fear of the unknown future situations
  • Aversion to most risks
  • Cannot envision a different future
  • Still harbor hope that it will return to the good you remember
  • Appreciate your co-workers, clients, and vendors
  • Tied to medical and other benefits at your current job

But, Really Why Stay in a Job That Makes You Unhappy

All of those reasons seem valid. However, at some point you must ask if all of those things really compensate for the unhappiness you feel. If not, why are you staying in a job that distresses and frustrates you? You should move to something that will not degrade your health, depress your spirits, or upset your family.

Sometimes, you don’t know all the reasons, but stay anyway. Your reason may even be irrational.

Wednesday we explore additional thoughts as we summarize how to survive poor management

This blog will improve as you submit comments, questions, and experiences. We will answer your questions in future blog posts. Please submit your comments and questions so we can answer them.

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