Friday, March 2, 2012

How to Plan a Career 12: Building a Network

networkThis continues our series on how to plan a career within your current employer

Our last post explored the options for growth you may find within your current employer’s organization. You may pursue multiple options for key projects, special assignments, or promotions.

You will proceed better if you build a network within the organization. The Free Dictionary defines a network as “An extended group of people with similar interests or concerns who interact and remain in informal contact for mutual assistance or support.” The definition outlines three elements of a network:

“Extended group of people with similar interests…”

  1. People working at the same company share the corporate interest of showing a profit, exceeding productivity and caring for clients. They want to get things done.
  2. They also share a common interest of thriving within the company to find happiness and provide for their family. Each employee desires greater satisfaction and growth in their job.

“…Who interact and remain in informal contact…”

  1. Your group makes the effort to interact and remain in contact through emails, conversations, collaborating, coordinating, and other contacts affiliated with working together
  2. You also maintain informal contacts. Some groups go out together, play sports together, or just have lunch together. Good networks congratulate others on personal achievements.
  3. You also remain informally connected even after leaving the group or company

“For mutual assistance or support”

  1. You recognize that your network helps you perform better at work.
    • The administrative assistant keeps things organized and flowing smoothly.
    • The facilities group maintains your workstations, lights, and machinery.
    • The purchasing group ensures you have the materials you need to produce the product.
  2. You accept the obligation to provide them your assistance and support. You make the effort to learn what they need. You serve them so they can do their job better or improve their personal life.
  3. Your relationship grows as you serve them and they serve you with mutual assistance and support.

Your network increases your visibility. Networks keep each other informed of opportunities. Networks mentor and teach one another. Networks multiply the ability of everyone in the group to achieve their goals.

Join me on Monday when we reexamine how to find a mentor to nurture you within your career

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