Friday, March 23, 2012

Problem at Work 6: Inappropriate Jokes & Email

Inappropriate commentsThis continues our series on problems at work that could lose you your job or stall your career
The workplace changed significantly in the last four decades. Behavior that used to endear one to management or co-workers, now offends and stigmatizes both employees and the organization. While litigation based on the civil rights act and other laws enforced these changes, common decency and social changes dictated and accepted them. Companies will not tolerate inappropriate jokes, emails, or other communications in today’s workplace.
Defining Inappropriate Communications
The courts and administrative law defined several issues that now can constitute various forms of harassment. Many of these form a basis for immediate or unconditional termination. They include:
  • Telling a racial, sexual, religious, age, disability or other kind of joke that could be considered offensive
  • Create a hostile work environment or one in which someone feels uncomfortable
  • Send or accept emails on the corporate account that contain offensive pictures, messages, or content (courts gave rights to corporations to check personal emails)
  • Comment on the physical appearance or attributes of any co-worker, client, or others
  • Never touch any one physically remains the best advice
  • Pushing your religion or proselyting in the workplace creates a possible discriminatory setting
  • Avoid saying anything that others could consider discriminatory to anyone based on age, gender, race, color, religion, marriage, disability, or other protected conditions
  • Viewing pornographic or hate-based web sites or chat rooms at work
Learn More to Avoid Future Problems
You should review the following web sites for more information:
Whether you agree with the rulings and direction, you will do best to comply. Failure to do so will result in termination and probable legal action. Most companies maintain a no tolerance policy on issues related to these kinds of comments or actions.
You can take online courses to help you understand better and avoid future problems:
We will continue on Monday by exploring how obsolete or inadequate skills stalls your career

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