Friday, February 22, 2013

10X2=Hired! Give Them Reasons to Hire You

recruiting employeesThis continues our series introducing the plans and concepts of 10X2=Hired!

Ramon tried to implement the 10X2=Hired! process. For 3 months, he telephoned 10 people a day. He had 10 meetings a week. He reported to his coach at least once a week. Yet, he received not one job offer. Finally, his job coach asked him to role play what he said to the people he met. He said “I saw your help wanted sign on the front of your place. I want a job. Could I talk to you?” He failed to realize that his statement did not give the manager a reason to hire him. He received a job offer within one week of learning to say “I increased sales at my last job by 13%. Would you like the same increases in your store?”.

Hiring Authorities Worry

Hiring authorities worry about three things:

  • Can you do the job they want done
  • Will you fit into their team or organization
  • Will you deliver a good return on investment

Hiring authorities recognize that if you cannot do all three of these things, they risk losing their:

  • Clients and customers
  • Productivity
  • Other team members
  • Reputation within the company or community
  • Revenues and income
  • Job

Give Them Reasons to Hire You

The responsibility to resolve their concerns rests with you. You must give them reasons to hire you. Your dessert tray and home run statements offer proof that you can do the job they want done, will fit into their team, and will deliver a good return on their investment. Remember these keys. You will:

  • Make a better impression if you know what job they want done.
  • Prove you will fit into their team if you know the members, culture, and personalities of that team.
  • Communicate past returns on investment more effectively if you recognize what return they expect.

One purpose of your phone calls and meetings is to gather that information. The other is to share your home run statements so they want to hire you.

Monday we begin a new series outlining tips how to earn the biggest raises

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