Friday, November 8, 2013

Improve Yourself 15: Change Your Appearance to Fit In

This continues our series on how to improve yourself to get the biggest raises and best promotions

Diana worked as a secretary for a corporation with more than 5,000 employees. She had earned a Bachelor of Arts in English and started employment with this corporation the same month. She enjoyed being a secretary, but wanted to take better advantage of her degree. After consulting with a mentor, she changed her appearance by dressing in suits rather than dresses. Within a few months, management asked her to travel for the corporation training branches how to use a new computer system they introduced. Changing her appearance improved her opportunities.

Avoid an Obsession with a Perception of Perfect Body Type

Appearances mean a lot in today’s society. In some ways, they matter too much. Too many people pursue some universal perception of perfection. They see doctored commercials and ads showing airbrushed concepts of woman or manhood. This obsession is not healthy.

I’m not advocating you pursue the quest for perfectly sculpted bodies through cosmetic surgery. I’m not advising changing your appearance with plastic surgery, eating disorders, or other unhealthy approaches.

You Can Make Healthy Improvements to Your Appearance

You can make a lot of healthy changes to your appearance including:

  • Cut or style your hair to fit into the environment you want to work in
  • Dress appropriately for the position you want for your promotion or improvement
  • Follow good rules of personal hygiene such as bathing, deodorant, and avoid strong perfumes or other scents 

Live Health

You can improve your appearance with healthy eating and exercise. I lost 120 pounds in the last two years following information found in Dr. Steve Aldana The Culprit and the Cure. He studied medical research for 25 years. He advises a few habits to extend the quantity and quality of life:

  • Eat 3-5 helpings of fruit and vegetables each day
  • Eat 5 hands full of raw nuts a week
  • Limit your consumption of red meat
  • Drink water
  • Accumulate 30 minutes of exercise 5 times a week

Monday we disclose methods for improving personality quirks that prevent success

This blog will improve as you submit comments, questions, and experiences. We will answer your questions in future blog posts. Please submit your comments and questions so we can answer them.

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