Monday, April 2, 2012

Success in Work 1: Promoted to the Perfect Job

Promotion 1I frequently share stories about people who found success in work to help you find success too. I change the name of the person to protect his or her identity. I hope the stories help.

Dirk worked for an international non-government organization in one of their lesser known outposts. He hoped to make a bigger impact on more people. He achieved his goal within five years with two moves.

His story highlights the benefits when you

  • Set a goal
  • Create a specific plan
  • Network effectively
  • Work with a mentor
  • Make short term sacrifices for long-term objectives.

A More Visible Position

Dirk set a goal to expand his influence to improve people’s lives, especially youth. He set a goal to work at the global headquarters. He learned from his current manager and improved his skills. He enrolled in an MBA program. He kept an eye on positions that would open in more visible operations. He and his wife agreed to move their young family to accomplish the goal.

His plan progressed when the company transferred him to a larger, more visible, operation. He moved his family to a new state. He found a mentor with multiple successes helping people improve their careers. With steps one and two of his plan completed he began steps three and four.

Great Opportunity and Sacrifice

The new position provide opportunity and visibility. His mentor taught him political and technical skills. Dirk explored the inner workings of the organization. He increased his network into the circle of directors and others in charge. The appointed him to the committee to develop the new worldwide Internet application.

Dirk worked longer hours than he had before. The new operation provided significantly more services. He supervised 30-40 workers as opposed to 3. He coordinated with 45 partner organizations rather than 12. He sacrificed some of his hobbies.

Success within 5 Years

Dirk achieved his goal within 5 years when he received a promotion to headquarters. He increased his influence, traveled to foreign countries, and felt satisfaction in his work.

Return on Wednesday for another story of success in work

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