Friday, May 24, 2013

10X2=Promoted! 10 People With Whom You May Connect

Co-workers connecting over lunchThis continues our series outlining how the 10X2 philosophy helps you get better assignments

Patrick enjoyed getting to know people. He liked discovering what they did within the organization in which they worked. While fairly opinionated, his outlook on life and naturally positive attitude endeared him to many colleagues and co-workers. He listened to people and learned from them. He found ways to help them do their jobs better, to serve them so their career grew. As a result, people looked out for Patrick. They found ways to help him and his career grew. He received several key appointments because people enjoyed working with him. He always made them look good too.

People Inside the Company

Our 10X2 philosophy encourages you to connect with 10 people a month to get the best assignments or promotions. Within the company you may connect with:

  • Your mentor: a well-seasoned and respected member of the organization moving up towards better positions themselves
  • Co-workers: both on your work team and on other work teams within the company
  • Managers: of both yours and of other divisions or work teams
  • Support staff: such as accounting, purchasing, fleet management, facilities, information technology, human resources, warehousing, shipping, or other people who support your current job or the one you want

People Outside the Company

You should also connect with people outside the company.  They provide you a perspective about your industry, your community, and your potential. You may consider connecting with the following people:

  • Colleagues in your industry: people doing the same job as you do and people working in similar companies as yours
  • Former Co-Workers: people from any past company who moved onto other jobs or stayed with a  company you left provide excellent opportunities to learn more
  • Alumni: people who went to the same high school, college, university, apprenticeship, vocational training, seminars, or workshops
  • Members of Trade or Professional Associations: do not limit your connections to just people who are not in the same trade or profession, reach out to other associations

Monday we highlight how to connect with 10 people a month to enhance promotions

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