Wednesday, May 22, 2013

10X2=Promoted! 2: Purposes of Connecting with 10 People

Co-workers at lunchThis continues our series outlining how the 10X2 philosophy will help you get promoted

Sharon worked on a temporary contract for a global nonprofit. The job appealed to her desire to improve society. She earnestly sought to learn from others within the organization. She found a good mentor who guided her growth in the company. She also developed a good network of friends. She ate lunch with several different people each week. She listened to them and learned what she could from them. Soon, her temporary contract became permanent. She received 4 promotions in 13 years. She now heads one of the most respected humanitarian organizations in the world.

First Purpose: Build Relationships

Developing friendly, professional relationships remains your primary reason for connecting with people. If not, you may become selfish and manipulative. Jared and Sarah Stewart, authors of City of Influence, encourage you to develop relationships Just Because.

We agree that relationship arrogance (link to this video) can destroy your City of Influence. Relationship arrogance occurs when you choose to develop relationships in order to get something our of it. You miss possible treasures of thought or personal enrichment when you build relationships based on your selfish motives.

Second Purpose: Learn to Serve More Effectively

The Stewarts also encourage you to learn, serve, to grow great relationships. They highlight it with a short video describing how this relationship key helped Ray Kroc become a billionaire.

When you ask questions and listen to others you can learn what:

  • Goals they have that you might help them achieve
  • Challenges or problems they experience
  • Written and unwritten rules guide the corporate culture
  • Resources exist within the company to help improve performance
  • Trends, directions, and upcoming changes in the company
  • Positions and opportunities that will open

Third Purpose: Demonstrate Your Value

Connecting with 10 people a month allows you to demonstrate your value to them based on what you learned. You may provide the skills or expertise they need to accomplish their goals or solve challenges preventing success.

Friday we describe which 10 people you may connect with each month to get promotions

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